Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

It just occurred to me, I never updated everyone on Harry Potter's 7th book!! The book was awesome. Just awesom. I thought she brought in enough new stuff to the story to be truly intrigued, and I felt she tied all things up quite nicely. I've read the book and I bought the audio CDs. I've just finished listening to the CDs, and Jim Dale does another great job. I have to say I have minor frustrations, because the voices, though all distictive, don't entirely mesh with the ones he came up with in past books. At least I don't think they do. But then again, those of you who know me know how particular I can be... :)

So that's my update. If you haven't read the Harry Potter series, I would definitly suggest it, for children or adults. Obviously, you have to enjoy the concept of magical worlds, but it's a pretty easy read and touches on lots of good moral points.


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